Thursday, May 27, 2010

Fringe, It's Not Just a TV Show

disclaimer: I'm not the biggest Coach fan in the world...
yes, i have a few pieces (my favorite is my mom's City Bag from the 80's, but digress) and i really appreciate their leather quality...
but most of their products just scream "white trash luxury" to me - you know the ones I'm talking about (as seen in suburban American high schools).

however, this one really caught my eye:

Coach Krystal

Coach Krystal

$498 @ [pre-order for june delivery]

not only is it a super-stylish bag, (not too hippied-out, but definitely laid back), it's inspired by the very talented Ms. Krystal Simpson from hipster blog What Is Reality Anyway? Definitely adds some serious cool points to even your most casual summer outfit.

not familiar? her blog is worth a browse.
let me know what you think.
about the bag, the blog, life in general.

{images stolen from What Is Reality Anyway? and}

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